Convey Services


The Evolution of UC&C

Today, Unified Communications is associated with the adoption of “the Cloud” making it possible for even the smallest business to have a service-based solution vs. a hardware system to manage communication in one or multiple locations. However, the desire to “unify” communications roots back to the 80’s with the effort to make voice mail messages easier to retrieve and delivered without having to go to multiple systems to get them.

Over time, bandwidth increased, hardware and software evolved, and corporate communication shifted from asynchronous to real-time. The introduction of the smart phone and the proliferation of WiFi access increased synchronous communication options and the Cloud created a new category of service, Unified
Communications as a Service (UCaaS).

Although web conferencing had been around since the 90’s, the need to communicate accelerated during the Pandemic and people jumped on Zoom, BlueJeans or Teams to talk about everyday business needs as internal teams and customers left their offices and re-established in a work from home world. Video and web conferencing became an essential component of any UCaaS offerings.

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